Dec 30, 2019

Executive Spotlight Series | LeasePlan’s Felipe Smolka

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LeasePlan is one of the world’s leading fleet management and driver mobility companies. A global force in the fleet management world, it helps clients leverage their assets on the road – managing the entire vehicle life-cycle, taking care of everything from purchasing and maintenance to car remarketing.

 Alpharetta is home to LeasePlan’s U.S. headquarters, where it recently worked with the city’s Mayor, Jim Gilvin, to inaugurate its office’s new series of electric chargers. The company selected Alpharetta because of the amount of opportunities the city offers, giving them easy access to amazing companies and partners all within a short 10 to 15 minute drive. Collaborating with neighboring companies, partners and innovative startups allows LeasePlan to find new ways to provide value for its clients. 

Felipe Smolka, LeasePlan’s executive vice president and digital transformation officer in the U.S., is tasked with helping to modernize the company and find new ways to support its domestic clients. Having been in Atlanta since 2004, Smolka has been working with high tech companies in Alpharetta for the past five years to push the envelope in innovation for the city. 

Through an introduction by Mayor Gilvin, Smolka joined the Tech Alpharetta Board in spring 2019 and was recently named the organization’s Vice Chairman of the Board.

Addressing the city’s growth potential, Smolka shared “As you see the world of smarter cities ever growing through mobility, autonomy and car-as-a-service, Alpharetta will likely evolve into spaces it never had a chance to do before. With that, many new opportunities and companies will come to Alpharetta to help support the innovation and evolution in the city, and we hope LeasePlan will be a part of this development process with the city with our expertise in managing fleets.”


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