Media Kit
Brand Assets
Thanks for your interest in Tech Alpharetta. Please see our guidelines below for using our brand resources.
Our Name
“Tech Alpharetta” is two words, spelled with a capital “T” and a capital “A”.
Our Colors
Tech Alpharetta’s colors are black and white.
Tech Alpharetta’s graphics are proprietary intellectual property, protected under U.S. law.
Please don’t alter these files in any way, and please don’t use these graphics as part of your own business or product or service name.
Please don’t combine our graphics with any other graphics without our written permission.
Our Logo
Our Tech Alpharetta logo may be downloaded as a PNG file. Please don’t alter Tech Alpharetta’s logo.

Media Inquiries
For media inquiries, please contact:
Colleen Murphy, Vice President
Trevelino Keller
404.214.0722 x109